Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty from the Rhinoplasty Master

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Dr. Philip J. Miller has spent more than twenty years performing different types of ethnic rhinoplasty procedures. He has worked with all skin types, and is familiar with the differences that make ethnic rhinoplasty more challenging than Caucasian rhinoplasty. One of Dr. Miller’s specialties is the Middle Eastern rhinoplasty.


People from different ethnicities have different skin types, which affects how the rhinoplasty surgery is performed. Dr. Miller works with ethnic patients from all over the world, whether they are Middle Eastern, African American or Hispanic and the results are impeccable. Dr. Miller focuses on maintaining the cultural integrity of his patient’s background while enhancing the natural beauty of the face. Dr. Miller uses both surgical and non-surgical methods to achieve rhinoplasty success, which is why he is the Rhinoplasty Master of New York.

No matter what your cultural background or skin type is, Dr. Miller can give you the nose your face was always meant to have. To schedule a consultation with the rhinoplasty master, visit www.rhinoplastymaster.com and fill out the online form. You don’t have to spend your life with the nose you were born with, thanks to Dr. Philip J. Miller.

About RhinoplastyMaster.com

RhinoplastyMaster.com is a comprehensive website dedicated to Dr. Miller and his New York practice. You can review video clips of Dr. Miller discussing the costs, recovery and types of nose jobs he performs as well as great before and after pictures of real clients he’s helped. On RhinoplastyMaster.com, you can read about Dr. Miller and his more than twenty years of experience in performing rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.

Visit www.rhinoplastymaster.com to schedule a consultation with Dr. Miller about what procedure might be best for you, and to read more about his impressive credentials as a Top Doctor in New York and one of the Best Doctors in America.

Hispanic rhinoplasty is providing by Rhinoplasty Master

Physical characteristics of a person’s heritage can express themselves negatively, causing a person to have low self-esteem and confident issues. Dr. Philip J. Miller, the Rhinoplasty Master of New York, specializes in all types of ethnic rhinoplasty, including Hispanic Rhinoplasty. Dr. Miller can mold your nose, no matter what your ethnic background is, into a nose you’ll love.

Septoplasty or Rhinoplasty surgery

Finding the best surgeon to perform a Septoplasty or Rhinoplasty surgery in New York is no easy task. It’s important to find a surgeon who is the best, most gifted and provides the most natural looking results. Dr. Philip J. Miller is one such surgeon. With more than twenty years of experience, Dr. Miller is the Rhinoplasty Master. Visit RhinoplastyMaster.com to schedule a consultation with the one and only Rhinoplasty Master.

Nasal Septoplasty in New York from the Rhinoplasty Master

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Nasal Septoplasty is performed when the septum, or bone and cartilage that divides the nostrils of the nasal cavity, becomes deviated. It is typically an outpatient procedure performed by an Otolaryngologist or Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon. Dr. Philip J. Miller, the Rhinoplasty Master, is one such surgeon in New York.

Dr. Miller is board-certified in both Otolaryngology/Head & Neck surgery and Facial Plastic & Reconstructive surgery. He has more than two decades of experience, and is recognized by both his peers and patients as a leading rhinoplasty and nasal Septoplasty surgeon. Dr. Miller has performed hundreds of nasal Septoplasty and rhinoplasty procedures in his New York office-based surgery center.

Dr. Miller works with each patient to assess the complexity of the deviated septum, as both surgical and non-surgical procedures are available to correct this issue. Minor deviation may be corrected with the use of injections and fillers, but more complicated deviations require nasal Septoplasty. A nasal Septoplasty procedure lasts approximately one hour and recovery time is short – about 1-2 weeks.

If you experience ongoing symptoms from a deviated septum, including sleep apnea, chronic sinus infections, and trouble breathing, a nasal Septoplasty may be the solution you need. In New York, Dr. Miller is just a call or click away to helping you breathe easy again.

About RhinoplastyMaster.com

RhinoplastyMaster.com is a comprehensive website dedicated to Dr. Miller and his New York practice. You can review video clips of Dr. Miller discussing the costs, recovery and types of nose jobs he performs as well as great before and after pictures of real clients he’s helped. On RhinoplastyMaster.com, you can read about Dr. Miller and his more than twenty years of experience in performing rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.

Visit www.rhinoplastymaster.com to schedule a consultation with Dr. Miller about what procedure might be best for you, and to read more about his impressive credentials as a Top Doctor in New York and one of the Best Doctors in America.

The MicroRhino – Remove your Nasal bump without Breaking your Nose – Dr. Philip Miller

You don’t need to have your nose broken or undergo general anesthesia to take the bump off of your nose. In select patients, a new 5 minute procedure, a MicroRhino, can remove the bump with little to no recovery. To learn more, call our New York office at 212-750-7100 or visit




Ethnic Rhinoplasty in New York from the Rhinoplasty Master

Dr. Philip J. Miller, the Rhinoplasty Master, performs all types of rhinoplasty at his New York office-based surgery center. One of the growing trends in the rhinoplasty field is ethnic rhinoplasty, especially in New York – one of the most multi-cultural places in the world. As a gifted and experience surgeon, Dr. Miller is an expert at ethnic rhinoplasty.

One of the most important aspects of ethnic rhinoplasty, or any rhinoplasty for that matter, is to maintain the cultural integrity of a person’s face while correcting or modifying the nasal structure. Dr. Miller assesses each patient carefully and works with his patients to create a look that is both natural looking and in line with that person’s ethnic background. Dr. Miller then artfully adjusts the structure of the nose through both surgical and non-surgical procedures to better fit the patient’s face.

Ethnic rhinoplasty can be a challenging surgery to perform due to the differences in skin texture and oiliness. The oilier the skin is, the more inflexible it becomes, which makes it difficult to stretch and mold into a softer, narrower look. However, Dr. Miller has performed ethnic rhinoplasty hundreds of thousands of times over twenty years and knows exactly how to work with different skin types to garner the look the patient wants.


As the Rhinoplasty Master, Dr. Miller is able to create a better, more natural looking nose for every patient. With your heritage in mind, Dr. Miller will change your nose to fit your face without leaving your culture behind.

About RhinoplastyMaster.com

RhinoplastyMaster.com is a comprehensive website dedicated to Dr. Miller and his New York practice. You can review video clips of Dr. Miller discussing the costs, recovery and types of nose jobs he performs as well as great before and after pictures of real clients he’s helped. On RhinoplastyMaster.com, you can read about Dr. Miller and his more than twenty years of experience in performing rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.

Visit www.rhinoplastymaster.com to schedule a consultation with Dr. Miller about what procedure might be best for you, and to read more about his impressive credentials as a Top Doctor in New York and one of the Best Doctors in America.